Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quotes for Education

"3- and 4-year-old children who use computers with supporting activities that reinforce major classroom objectives.  ...
They have significantly greater developmental gains when compared to children without computer experiences in similar classrooms."  -Dr. Susan W. Haugland
changing the industrial conditions of teachers' work is central to addressing issues of poverty and education because the teachers are the most strategically placed workers to affect the relationship between poor children and schools, and because teachers of the poor have a capacity for strategic thinking about designing reform strategies.” – Professor RW Connell

Sandy Escobido- Deputy Field Director, Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative
-“ parents were with me, involved in my education and development, despite the challenges we faced.”
This quote is so inspiring because of the meaning behind it. Ms. Escobido’s parents were immigrants and had to face many obstacles along the way to make sure their daughter had a good life. This lead to Ms. Escobido going into education as an advocate, in Los Angeles. It shows that dedication and determination are important and that this was key to Ms. Escobido and also for others to see that no matter where you come from, you can be successful, with the support of your family.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

My Grandmother influenced my life as a child because I mainly stayed at her home when I was a child and eventually moved in when I was a teenager. She cared for me, loved me, and even when I refused it, offered her generosity.  This woman taught me to be a stronger woman. While living with my grandmother, I would take out the trash, rake leaves, shovel snow, knee deep, from the garage to the street, all for her. By the time I came into this woman’s life, my Grandmother was in her 70’s and able to do a lot but I felt I should do more.

I was able to learn how to balance life challenges that came my way, because of the stories she would tell me. I was able to learn about my family heritage from this woman. She shared so much with me that I took those stories and knowledge and keep it close to my heart.

My Cousin Donald Jr. and his wife Stacey are the ideal couple. They have been together for more than 16 years. I was able to see this relationship blossom from the beginning when I was 13 or 14 all the way to the present. When I was growing up, I would watch my cousin Don, as we would call him, become a DJ, where he introduced me to all sorts of great music and taught me how to breakdance. I then witnessed a great site, he went off to the Marines. This was the first I had ever witnessed of anyone leaving my small town. He would come back and visit and tell me all about his travels. 

When he came back with Stacey, we hit it off great. They got married some time later and have been the example of a couple that I hope my future husband and I can have. They struggled for years to make sure their two kids got the best education. 

They sacrificed a lot in terms of clothing, personal needs, even vehicles, to make sure they saved and spent wisely. Like I said earlier, they have been together for more than 16 years and their children are the brightest kids I know. They are have not been influenced by peer pressure, they are involved in sports and they also have the drive to stay in school because they know of the sacrifices their parents are making for them.

The last person would be my Mother. She has showed me that determination is key when trying to achieve a dream or a goal, no matter how long it takes to accomplish it. My mother knew that she had to care for me when my father decided being a parent wasn’t on his agenda. She worked all hours of the day to provide for me. She also made sure that my grandmother did not want for anything when I was staying with her while she worked long shifts. 

My most influential moment in my life would be when she decided to go back to school and get her nursing degree. It took my mother several years to complete her pre-requisites and her nursing degree, but she did it at the age of 40. 

We missed out on a lot of time with each other, but this taught me to stay focused on a goal, no matter how long it takes to complete it. It’s this determination that keeps me going when I have instances in my life that take me away from my goal, such as completing my Maters’ Certificate. 

I wish I could say there were more people in my life that I say have influenced my childhood and how they cared for me, but there aren’t. I had the sad misfortune of being somewhat of an outcast and did not break out of my shell until I was a teenager. But then at that time, I still mainly hung out with my grandmother, if I was not busy with creating paintings or helping with student activities.

I will say that my Grandmother had the most influence and impact on my life. This woman was the main support that I had in my life and I strive to be the person she hoped that all of her grandchildren would be; successful and healthy. Her morals and values influence my everyday decisions that I make with my daughter. I named my daughter after her and it is a daily reminder that I need to treat her with respect and make sure she is cared for and put on the right track from the start. 

Here is a picture of my grandmother.

She was such a beautiful soul. And even though I didn’t know her during this phase of her life, I always look at this picture and remember her. I used this picture on an invite to a Mother’s Day gathering for her. I made sure that all of her grandchildren and children were able to come by and see her. At this time, she was on her deathbed and could not be up and walking with us, but she appreciated the visit from everyone. I remember her saying in a joking way “You should be ashamed of yourself, using this picture.” I told her that I wasn't because she was beautiful even though she was 5 months pregnant in this photo.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quote for All Ages

Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. ~Harold Hulbert

I found this on I love this quote because it says so much in 10 words. Children do need love. They need it to survive, to learn, to become the person they are meant to be. I feel that if these children out here are not nurtured with love then there is a possibility that they will end up worse than if they did not receive any education.

You need love to fuel your passion to teach, just as children need love to fuel their passion to move beyond their circumstances whether they be good or bad. I have witnessed children not being loved enough that has led to early alcoholism, teenage sex, and even death. I feel if they received the love they deserved even when they didn't deserve it, they would have been better people.

Every Child's Dream Image

I chose this picture because it represents what every child wants in life. The mother, the father, the home and the dog. Often times, because I am a single mother, I wish for this too. And I hope someday that I will have this for me and my daughter. I cannot imagine how she will feel when she gets older and wants this type of family. I hope I can influence her enough to know that as long as you have some family, that it is family enough.  

Charlotte's Web...

A story that had the most influence on me as a child was "Charlotte's Web" By E.B. White. This book was so amazing to me as a child because I could not fathom how a pig and a small spider could have such a great relationship. I loved how Charlotte saw so much potential in Wilbur that many didn't see, especially what Wilbur himself could not see.

Wilbur did not think of himself as "some pig." Nor did he think that he would live beyond his years, until Charlotte helped become famous and believe in himself. This story has a personal affect on me because growing up as a child, sometimes you are in a place where you do not feel great, and reading this story made me feel that someday, I too could be "some pig!" Not in the literal sense though!